The Elburn Lions Club is well known for their ability to step up and help those in need. We pride ourselves on being of assistance and personally changing the lives of the residents in our community for the better.  A request from the public for a benefit or fundraiser is assessed and approved on a one and one basis.

The Elburn Lions host the event providing volunteers as well as collect donations. Monetary donations as well as donations of services or items for raffles are sought from local businesses and residents. These items are then raffled off or bid on at silent or live auctions during the event. Also during the event, a meal is served and if possible, entertainment provided during the event.

We have been very fortunate to have wonderful neighbors and supporters in the Village of Elburn and surrounding communities. Our benefits and fundraisers have been very well attended and we are very grateful to the community for their support!

All proceeds from the event benefit Lions of Elburn Charities and are then donated to the family in need or are put towards the purchase of the specific item we were fundraising for.

Benefits hosted by the Elburn Lions Club

Benefits are hosted on an as needed basis for individuals that live in our community. Each of the following benefits was hosted due to an illness or injury that caused a financial burden for them and their family. Past benefits that we have hosted are:

  • Pat Hill Virtual Benefit
  • Todd Kuipers Benefit
  • Keith Callaghan Benefit
  • Chuck and Mary Liss and Family
  • Jason Gould and Family
  • Jason’s Journey – Jason  Cornell and Family
  • Carol Herra and Family

Fundraisers hosted by the Elburn Lions Club

Fundraisers are hosted for individuals in our community that have a need for a specific item. We partner with the family/individual making the request to help them raise money. Past fundraisers we have co- hosted are:

  • Multi-Purpose Service Dog for Max Capes (Co-Hosted with the Elburn Leo Club)
  • Multi-Purpose Service Dog for Kara Peters (Co-Hosted with the Elburn Leo Club)
  • Multi-Purpose Service Dog for Logan Therriault (Co-Hosted with the Elburn Leo Club)

For additional information on how the process works or to make a request to host a benefit or fundraiser, please contact Lion Pam Hall at 630-365-6315 or at [email protected].